Equatorial Guinea lies on the west coast of Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, with Cameroon lying to the north and Gabon to the east and south. The mainland consists of coastal plains rising to interior thickly forested hills, although its most interesting region is actually the offshore island of Bioko which is formed from three extinct volcanoes, and is where the nation's capital, Malabo, is situated.
Thus the black sand beaches near Bata, the stunning mountain scenery on Bioko and the attractive capital city of Malabo, potentially provide great places to visit. But, rejoicing as it does in possessing one of the worst human rights records in the world, and with little in the way of tourist infrastructure, Equatorial Guinea does not figure highly on our list of possible African tourist destinations.
Ecuatorial.org/guineeangl/index02.htm: Business, travel, news, sport, you name it!.
AllAfrica.com : A news website aggregating information from over 300 sources, together with specially commissioned articles and commentaries.
AfricaGuide.com: Exhaustive resource website covering the whole of Africa – climate, travel and medical advice, visas and money, public holidays, getting around, people and culture, shopping and forums.
The Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor websites may also provide useful information.