For the more adventurous safari-goer, a canoe expedition is a thrilling and memorable addition to a mainly land-based itinerary. For the keen canoeist, it is possible to spend your entire safari travelling from lodge to lodge in a canoe, particularly in the Lower Zambezi National Park in Zambia, where there are many high-quality lodges with all the necessary equipment for such journeys.
After the bumpy, dusty off-road game drives, the serene, noiseless quality of a canoeing safari on the Lower Zambezi. or a mokoro trip in the the Okavango Delta in Botswaya can make for a welcome change. Canoe journeys tend to follow the flow of the river, so they are rarely strenuous, and take you to parts of the Park that off-road vehicles cannot reach. You will be able to glide up to elephant, hippo or buffalo herds with ease, providing unique game-viewing and photographic opportunities.